

Research and Other Work



Here are some projects that I’ve been involved with:

- Mortgage Debt Outstanding (MDO) Table, (along with it’s retirement in 2020Q1)
- Chicago Resilient Communities Pilot, a 5,000 household guaranteed income pilot (RCT) launched in Chicago in the summer of 2022. I helped test and deploy randomization code, put together various datasets for analysis and planning, and also contributed to the preparation of the First Look Report, detailing baseline characteristics and initial survey responses of the participants.
- Cook County Promise Guaranteed Income Pilot. Another pilot RCT, this time in Cook county. The eligibility requirements were different for this one, so I helped put together demographic data for targeting and determination, plus some other analysis tasks. I also helped test and develop randomization code.
- Guaranteed Income to Grow Ann Arbor Pilot Program, a 200 person guaranteed income RCT in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I was involved on the implementation side this time, helping with applications, eligibility, and enrollment into the program after randomization.
- HMIS Data Dashboard: A tableau dashboard displaying frequently updated information based on All Chicago’s HMIS database.
- Chicago Housing Stability Dashboard, a quarterly updating dashboard intended to provide targeted information for support agencies and providers in Chicago for those experiencing housing instability.
- DC Abortion Fund FY2023 Annual Report: I contributed some analysis and visualizations to this report/zine.